Procrastination and irrational decisions

Blogger Tim Urban has a very unique way of explaining procrastination. On this very popular and fun TedTalk, Urban describes the procrastination system and the struggles of the rational decision-maker inside all of us.
He considers himself “a lifelong procrastinator who thinks about this topic all the time”. But he doesn’t lecture from the perspective of a psychologist. He talks from the point of view of an everyday procrastinator.
One of the most insightful aspects of this presentation is the distinction between deadline-driven and non-deadline driven procrastination. While deadline-driven procrastination has “a system” that works “most of the time”, the non-deadline driven type of procrastination is the one that brings people more negative feelings and life-long frustrations.
Learning how to be productive and managing time effectively helps defeat procrastinating behavior. But more than a “time management” problem procrastination is impacted by the way we manage our emotions.
Watch the video, and once you are done take a look at Tim’s advice on How to Beat Procrastination. You can also read my post on how to manage time like a machine.
The following infographic also provides some great ideas to defeat procrastination: